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First, either download or checkout all the stubs and the static data reference implementation. For the data reference implementation, you'll also need one of the static data dumps from CCP. At time of writing we provide two: Incursion which is older but smaller, and Incarna which was current at time of writing but is MUCH bigger. It doesn't matter much for this tutorial so pick whichever you like:
If you're extracting the helloworld bundle for the first time, make sure you extract it as a source bundle as we'll need to modify it below. If you've already extracted it as a binary bundle then just delete it and re-extract as a source bundle.
Now we'll add some simple code to print all the agent types listed in the static data dump. Modify the run method in org.dps.app.helloworld.HelloWorld so it looks like this:
public void run() { System.out.println("HelloWorld started!"); System.out.println("IEveDataModel = " + eveRef); System.out.println("IEveDatabase = " + eveDB); System.out.println("IEveServerRequest = " + eveServer); System.out.println("IEvePersistenceFactory = " + evePersistence); System.out.println("IEveMarketData = " + eveMarketData); // Let's print out all the agent types as an example of // how to use the database API. for (IAgtAgentTypes type : eveDB.getAgtAgentTypesFactory().getAll()) System.out.println(type); }If you read the first Quick Start tutorial, you know that on startup OSGi will resolve all our bundle dependencies and make sure that we have a valid reference for things like IEveDatabase. You also know, however, that the default launch configuration RunHelloWorld.launch pulls in the stub applications. So if we actually run the above we'll get an UnsupportedOperationException. Let's try that real quick, use Run->Run Configurations... to pull up the launcher dialog and select "RunHelloWorld" under the "OSGi Framework" section. You should see something like this:
EveData registered EveDatabase registered EveServer registered PersistenceFactory registered EveMarketData registered HelloWorld started! IEveDataModel = org.dps.core.impl.model.stub.EveDataModelStub@7f724a9d IEveDatabase = org.dps.core.impl.database.stub.EveDatabaseStub@2880cac9 IEveServerRequest = org.dps.core.impl.server.stub.EveServerStub@1f8166e5 IEvePersistenceFactory = org.dps.core.impl.persist.stub.EvePersistenceFactoryStub@688a548b IEveMarketData = org.dps.core.impl.market.stub.EveMarketStub@2b5356d5 ERROR 4 [SCR] Exception while activating instance org.dps.app.helloworld.HelloWorld@4afb6354 of component org.dps.app.helloworld java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616) ... lots more stacktrace .... Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at org.dps.core.impl.database.stub.EveDatabaseStub.getAgtAgentTypesFactory(EveDatabaseStub.java:82) at org.dps.app.helloworld.HelloWorld.startup(HelloWorld.java:40) ... 28 moreTo fix this we need to change our launch configuration to use the reference implementation bundles in place of the stubs for IEveDatabase. Rather than mangle our existing launch configuration we'll create a new one. Go to Run->Run Configurations... to bring up the launcher dialog again. Select "RunHelloWorld" in the "OSGi Framework" section and select the "duplicate" icon in the tool bar in the top left. This should create a new configuration called "RunHelloWorld (1)". Let's rename it "RunHelloWorldWithDB". To make this configuration work we need to do two things:
-Dorg.dps.core.impl.database.sqlite.dbdir=${project_loc:/org.dps.core.impl.database.sqlite.incarna10}/db(replace incarna10 with incursion110 if that's what you downloaded). This VM argument sets a property which tells the reference implementation where to find the sqlite database dump containing static data.
Now we're ready to run the application again. Note that the sqlite database dump files are bundled in zipped form. So the first time we run our application the reference implementation will automatically unzip the database dump before doing anything else. This can take a minute or two for the Incarna dump which is quite large. You can avoid this step by unzipping the dump file yourself in the appropriate workspace directory. Either way, when you're ready click "Apply" on your new launch configuration, then click "Run". You should (eventually) see something like this:
EveData registered EveDatabase registered EveServer registered PersistenceFactory registered EveMarketData registered HelloWorld started! IEveDataModel = org.dps.core.impl.model.stub.EveDataModelStub@20e183e9 IEveDatabase = org.dps.core.impl.database.sqlite.SqliteEveDatabase@359b46dc IEveServerRequest = org.dps.core.impl.server.stub.EveServerStub@65493102 IEvePersistenceFactory = org.dps.core.impl.persist.stub.EvePersistenceFactoryStub@2830ae41 IEveMarketData = org.dps.core.impl.market.stub.EveMarketStub@1cee1ede SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=1, agentType=NonAgent] SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=2, agentType=BasicAgent] SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=3, agentType=TutorialAgent] SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=4, agentType=ResearchAgent] SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=5, agentType=CONCORDAgent] SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=6, agentType=GenericStorylineMissionAgent] SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=7, agentType=StorylineMissionAgent] SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=8, agentType=EventMissionAgent] SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=9, agentType=FactionalWarfareAgent] SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=10, agentType=EpicArcAgent] SqliteAgtAgentTypes [agentTypeID=11, agentType=AuraAgent]If you see this, then you've successfully run the "Hello, World!" application using the DPS IEveDatabase reference implementation.
IEveDatabase = org.dps.core.impl.database.sqlite.SqliteEveDatabase@359b46dcWhen we use the reference implementation to get the agent types factory we eventually call getAll() to load all the agent type objects. The reference implementation uses Hibernate with SQLite to convert static data dump rows into objects. So our first call to getAll() causes Hibernate to be loaded. This takes a few seconds while Hibernate processes configuration for all of the static data table definitions. Finally, the getAll() method executes a query on the appropriate table and returns a collection of the type objects. We then iterate and print out each object in the collection. We only need to pay the price for Hibernate startup for the first lookup. Subsequent calls to factory methods will be much faster.
You can get a more detailed description of the static data reference implementation in the "Reference Implementations" section on the main page. The next Quick Start tutorial repeats this same exercise but this time adding the IEveServer reference implementation.