Dark Planet Development Platform

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The DPS Core APIs are organized into a single OSGi bundle with interfaces for the following EVE-related data: The Core APIs provide little or no implementation. Instead, implementations of one or more APIs are provide in separate bundles which can be included as needed in your application. The idea is that you only need to include implementation bundles for features you intend to use. If you just want to write a quick utility for retrieving account data from the EVE servers, then you only need an implementation of the the org.dps.core.server APIs.

Factoring the system in this way makes it easy to incorporate an exsting third party library. This is important given the large number of third party libraries that have been written since CCP started providing access to in-game data. Rather than re-invent the wheel, you can wrap an existing library behind the DPS APIs. The DPS Server API reference implementation is implemented in this way.

Each of the core APIs is accessed through the following "gateway" interfaces:

See the API specific sections below for a detailed description of these interfaces.

Timestamps in the Core APIs

In most cases, the core APIs make use of data types which are direct analogs of the the data types used in the EVE public APIs. For example, prices are represented as the Java primitive type double. Timestamps are the exception and are represented as instances of long instead of java.util.Date. Each such timestamp represents epoch time in milliseconds UTC. That is, the number of milliseconds which have elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC. In contrast, the EVE servers return date strings to represent timestamps. Each such string should be converted into epoch milliseconds by the core API implementations. The main reasons for modelling timestamps in this fashion are simplicity and ease of manipulation. Instances of java.util.Date carry some additional complexity such as timezones and Java-specific modelling choices. There can also be complications when storing native java.util.Date times in a database because of timestamp granularity differences in different database implementations. In Java, it is straightforward to convert an epoch timestamp into a java.util.Date:
    long epochTime = ...stored in Core APIs...
    java.util.Date asDate = new java.util.Date(epochTime);
Likewise, instances of java.util.Date can be converted to a human friendly format with a date formatter:
    java.util.Date asDate = ...epoch timestamp as date...
    java.text.SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd 'at' HH:mm:ss z");
    String humanFriendly = dateFormatter.format(asDate);
Both of these conversions are conveniently provided in the core APIs as part of the IEveDataModel interface.